Home > Authors > H. G. Wells > Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thought

Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thought

H. G. Wells, Hollybook

Anticipations: Of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Thought is a 1902 book by author H. G. Wells, the "Father of Science Fiction." It is proposed in this book to present in as orderly an arrangement as the necessarily diffused nature of the subject admits, certain speculations about the trend of present forces, speculations which, taken all together, will build up an imperfect and very hypothetical, but sincerely intended forecast of the way things will probably go in this new century. Our utmost aim is a rough sketch of the coming time, a prospectus, as it were, of the joint undertaking of mankind in facing these impending years.

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